Double Trouble

Hey everyone! Today its Sammie and Urszula blogging. We wanted to put together another post on our  blog about our school outfits! Since we are studying fashion and attending a fashion college, we need to look cute everyday! Todays post is an example of how we dress to school on a daily basis.  

Urszula: I rarely wear jeans. I mostly wear jeggings or leggings. I go for more of a comfort look, especially for school. This is highly important because I always have 20 minutes between classes to get from one building to another. As you can see in my photos, I am wearing white jeggings from Hollister. They allow me to feel comfortable to the point that I feel great running around in them from building to building. On a daily basis, I also wear comfortable shoes. As you can see in my photos, I am wearing my favorite leather boots. They are very comfortable and I can definitely speed walk in them. I also wear tops that I feel comfortable in. I do not like wearing very tight tops because it makes me feel very uncomfortable since they are tight on me. Here in this look I am wearing a loose Abercrombie and Fitch tank top. I also wear a jacket to keep myself warm and I always have my shades with me to wear because the sun really annoys me! 

Sammie: Just like Urszula, I also go for a comfortable casual look. I really like natural and light colors. To school today I wore my cargo pants. They are very comfortable and they are also very cute. With my cargo pants, I wore my Toms. Toms are very comfortable and they are perfect for running around. I definitely recommend Toms! To this look I also wore a tank top! I love tank tops they are very comfortable, especially loose ones! I also like lace! Lace goes great with almost everything! To this look I also wore my blazer and a jacket. The blazer gives my outfit a very casual look and the jacket keeps me warm! I do not want to be sick!

Czesc wam! Dzisiaj Sammie i Urszula bloguja! Chcialysmy dla was zrobic post o naszej stylizacji do szkoly! Musimy sie zawsze ladnie ubierac poniewaz studiujemy mode i chodzimy na studia mody! Dzisiejszy post pokaze wam jak sie ubieramy na co dzien do szkoly!

Urszula: Ja rzadko ubieram dzinsy. Ja najzwyczaj ubieram jeggingsy albo leggingsy. Ja lubie bardziej wygodna stylizacje do szkoly. To jest bardzo wazne poniewaz mam 20 minut isc od jednego budynku do drugiego na lekcje. Jak widac po moich zdjeciach, dzisiaj ubralam biale jeggingsy z Hollister. Czulam sie w nich wygodnie i moglam biegac od jednego budynku do drugiego wygodnie. Na co dzien jeszcze ubieram wygodne plaskie buty. Najlepiej jest biegac w plaskich butach a nie w szpilkach. Dzisiaj ubralam moje ulubione skurzane kozaki! One sa plaskie i bardzo wygodne! Do tego jeszcze ubralam luzna bluzke. Nie lubie sciskajace bluzki. Wtedy to juz calkiem czuje sie nie wygodnie. Do tego ubralam czarna kurtke zeby mi bylo cieplo i okulary Ray Bans zeby mnie slonce nie razilo w oczy! 

Sammie: Tak jak Urszula, lubie wygodna i klassyczna stylizacje. Ja najbardziej lubie naturalne i jasne kolory. Dzisiaj ubralam moje brazowe spodnie! One sa naprawde wygodnie i klassyczne. Kazdy pewnie takie ma! Do nich zalozylam Toms. Toms sa bardzo wygodne buty! Musicie je sobie koniecznie kupic. Za kazda pare co kupujesz, to jedna para tych butow idzie do dzieci w Afryce. Do tego tez zalozylam luzna koszulke bo jest wygodna. Jeszcze zalozylam marynarke zeby stylizacja byla klassyczna. Aby stylizacja byla klassyczna, jest potrzebna marynarka. Jeszcze ubralam kurtke zeby mi cieplo bylo! Nie chce chorowac! 

Urszula and Sammie

Jeggings/Jeggingsy- Hollister
Shirt/Bluzka- Abercrombie and Fitch
Sunglasses/ Okulary- Ray Bans
Jacket/Kurtka- Calvin Klein
Shoes/Buty- I forgot, but I will check tomorrow. I know its an Italian designer! Zapomnialam jaki projektant ale wiem ze jest wloski!

Heres also some things I bought today! I also bought other things for my brother! I love to spoil him! Tu sa jeszcze kilka rzeczy ktore kupilam dzisiaj! To nie wszystko! Jeszcze bratowi po kupowalam rzeczy! Lubie mu kupowac rzeczy!

Shirt/Bluzka- Tommy Hilfiger

Shorts/Szorty- Hollister

Sweater/Sweter- Abercrombie and Fitch

Shoes/Buty- Toms
Blazer/Marynarka- English Rose
Shirt/Bluzka- Talula
Pants/Spodnie- Zara
Jacket/Kurtka- Unknown
Bag/Torebka- Louis Vuitton

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