Hat/Kapelusz: Forever 21, Dress/Sukienka: Victoria's Secret, Bag/Torebka: H&M, Belt/Pasek: Bloomingdales, Trench Coat/Kurtka: Michael Kors, Shoes/Buty: Jeffrey Campbells, Watch/Zegarek: Michael Kors, Bracelets/Branzoletki: Express.
I know I mentioned on my last post that I will be creating this post based off of my experience from Teen Vogue Fashion University, but today I really wanted to just mention one important matter and the inspiration came from my lovely friend Angelika and Abby. Before I share Abby's story, I just wanted to mention that todays outfit post features our lovely Abby.
The story of Abby really touched my heart. Abby is my friends dog and this is the story of how Abby became part of her family. Abby was just a puppy when she was found. She was found abandoned by my friend's friends sister in the park on a cold night. They struggled to find her a home, but they eventually did and her home became Angelika's house. As a puppy, Abby was afraid of everyone and everything to the point she would urinate. Why? Simply because she was abused and left in the park. She hated kids, she was afraid to love, and she had trouble with trusting humans. My point in telling you this, is to make you realize that it is not okay for any human to hurt any animal. It is not okay as well to force animals to breed or to even buy puppies because those puppies are from puppy mills. It is not okay as well to do any animal testing. In conclusion, I just wanted to say I will be taking action against such problems in our society. I would never and will never hurt an animal. As well, I will never buy a pet again, instead I will adopt. Also, I will not be turning fully vegan, but I will be adjusting my lifestyle to such a way where there will be less harm done to animals, by ditching the products that are tested on animals and clothing made from animals. One little thing and one person has the possibility of creating a change, saving a life and limiting the suffering. I will be that one person and I hope you will be one too!

P.S. We have a surprise for our next post! We are working with Vinca, a jewelry company and we recieved a beautiful gift! You will see it in our next post!
Świetny strój bardzo mi się podoba :)
ReplyDeleteObserwuję i zapraszam również do mnie czarnamyszka1994.blogspot.com/
Love your look, love you dog!!!
Great dress! I love the simple cut .
ReplyDeleteSukienka jest boska, kupiłam ostatnio z bardzo podobnego materiału żakiet jest świetny :)
ReplyDeletePozdrawiam Serdecznie
I like your post! I have a dog and he's an important member of our family :) Abby is so cute :) You have a great hat! x
Love your look and you hat! Your dog is very lovely!
Bardzo ładna sukienka!:)
ReplyDeletemasz bardzo oryginalną urodę :)
ReplyDeletezdjęcie z pieskiem najlepsze;>>
ReplyDeletethanks for topping by an commenting. following you now. hope you'll follow me back :) xx
Ta sukienka jest wspaniała! Uwielbiam Twoje kreski! :]
ReplyDeleteaaa i (: DzięKujemY za kOmeNtArZ ;**** :)
ReplyDeletenice maxi shirt..nice doggy..nice hat!! ;)))) you look stunning honey! ;) cool!
ReplyDeleteif you have pleasure please come to see my new post…it’s VERY important for me this one….i hope u will like it..here it is :
NEW POST:http://honeyandcotton.org/2013/10/28/pronti-per-halloween-im-a-vampire-and-im-back/
FACEBOOKk: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Honeyandcotton-Fashion-Blogger/422547954496955?fref=ts
BLOGLOVIN: http://www.bloglovin.com/en/blog/6757331te
amazing dress! love your style dear
check my blog if you want too:)
NEW POST -> http://tr3ndygirl.com
cute dress. Also you dog is so adorable
ReplyDeletelove your coat and the dress is beautiful!!supercute photos;)
Great look darling!! You look beautiful in your sequined dress!! ;-)
ReplyDeleteBTW thanks a lot for our visit and kind comment on my blog and for following me back!! ;-)
Świetna koszula! Sukienka też bardzo mi się podoba ;)
ReplyDeleteObserwuję ;)
it's so cool that you're planning to do your thing to help animals. ja kilka razy w miesiącu wysyłam pieniążki do fundacji w Polsce, przez paypal, na karmę, na lekarstwa dla zwierząt, na hoteliki. staram się jeść produkty tylko free range. wegetarianką gotowa zostać nie jestem, ale pomogę tyle ile mogę. kisses xx
ReplyDeleteja mam taką maskę, kupiłam w Afrykańskim sklepie, właśnie naturalna z majonezem i białkiem z jajka, powiem Ci, że włosy po niej rosną bardzo szybko, ale jest cholernie ciężka więc nie mogę jej uzywać codziennie. na moje zniszczone włosy najbardziej pomógł olejek arganowy i maski z John'a Frieda :) polecam też L'oreal Expert Absolut Repair :)
Deletebardzo fajna stylizacja - buty mi się podobają najbardziej ;) mam zamiar kupić sobie podobne. :)
ReplyDeletepozdrawiam :-) i zapraszam : feel-glorious.blogspot.com
Cekinowa sukienka jest piękna!
ReplyDeletePozdrawiam, Mrs Vain
love your outfit! following you back on GFC! x
great coat!!!!
ReplyDeleteReally beautiful outfit, and I cannot wait for your new post ;)
Słodki piesiu :3 Ładny kapelusz i płaszczyk ;)
ReplyDeletePozdrawiam i zapraszam do mnie ; ]
nice look!!
ReplyDeleteboskie buty ;)
ReplyDeleteamaz sequin dress! love the combo!giuly
The pics with dog are soo cute. I love your sparkling outfit. :)
Płaszczyk jest boski! Ślicznie Ci w nim!
Great look! Your dog is sooo cute*_*
Cudownie wyglądasz. :)
ReplyDeleteLovely dress and trench!
Un beso,
I love the shoes!! I'm following u girl :)
It's ok to follow each other!
ReplyDeleteplease follow with GFC, just leave me a comment and I'll follow u back!
Nameless Fashion Blog
Nameless Fashion Blog Facebook page
I follow you! I wait for you on my blog;)
perfect sequin dress and love how you wear it with that hat...ps: ♥ your doggie loves you ♥
ReplyDelete* MlleWanderlust ✡
oh my gosh how adorable is your puppy;) and i love your dress and the trench coat!
Piękna sukienka i płaszcz!świetny look:)
ReplyDeleteUroczo wyglądasz w tym kapeluszu :-) Piękna sukienka :-)
ReplyDeletePozdrawiam :-)
Hey, very nice outfit. Love it. Perfect for my weather her and cute hat.
przepiękna jesteś!!!!
ReplyDeleteI love your dress, it is perfect!!
ReplyDeleteNice look! Thank you for visiting my blog. I'm following you on GFC and Facebook! Follow me back if you like ;)
ReplyDeleteMiss Funny Face
Love your trench! It's perfect
Lovely dog! <3 <3
ReplyDeleteHave a good night dear...
Thank you for sharing Abby's story. She is adorable and the perfect companion for this shoot. It's great to hear you will be making changes because one small step has such an impact on society. You're doing wonderful things, and (of course!) looking fabulous in the process.
Blog: CuteLA.com
Congratulations!! You look great, hun!
ReplyDeleteLove this outfit! The dress is amazing and your dog is very cute! Keep in touch!
dzięki za odwiedziny u mnie :) w tym kapeluszu wyglądasz super, ale sukienka jest rewelacyjna :) z chęcią dodaję do ulubionych i zapraszam tez do mnie na obserwację jeśli będziesz chciała :)
ReplyDeleteBonito vestido y el trench precioso. Besos
ReplyDeleteThis dress is AMAZING! I love it!!
jaki świetny masz ten kapelusz ;)
ReplyDeleteBeautiful pics! amazing outfit ;)
follow each other in GFC? ;)
I follow you!!
Super kapelusz!
ReplyDeleteLooking lovely! That is an amazing jacket and a stunning shade of blue!
great fall fashion!
ReplyDeleteI follow you. I hope you will follow me back ^_^
Invite you to enter my giveaway with DresSale here
visit my blog ^_^
My online store ^_^
Świetny look! srebrna cekinowa sukienka świetna!
Such a lovely coat!
ReplyDeleteAfeeyah xo
New post ~ http://smilerrr.blogspot.co.uk/2013/10/skater-skirt-and-oxblood.html
This is a lovely post. How exciting. I adore your dress too.
ReplyDeleteWow :o Świetnie to wygląda ! Cudna jest ta sukienka ;)
ReplyDeleteI jaki słodki piesek <3
Obserwuje ;)
wyglądasz pięknie i masz prześliczne włosy :)
ReplyDeleteJa też obserwuję od dłuższego czasu :)
ReplyDeleteAbout women and not only Blog
Cudnie wyglądasz i masz boskiego pieska ;)
Świetny kapelusz i buciki :)
ReplyDeleteHi beauty ,
ReplyDeleteLove your trench ! Also dress look amazing ! :)
amazing look, love the dress!
wygladasz pieknie, ostatnie zdjecie na schodach <3
ReplyDeletesuper trencz!
kisses x
vestito carinissimo (; Reb, xoxo.
ReplyDelete* Sul mio blog c'è un nuovo post, fammi sapere cosa ne pensi:
dziękuję za komentarz, czekam na new notkę tutaj;>>
ReplyDeletelovely outfit and dog
Fantastic look :)
ReplyDeleteThe trench is great
Your dog is so cute :)