Bad Day

We all get those bad days, don't we? Today was one of those days for me. I woke up on the wrong side of the bed and I say this with sarcasm. Today I felt like crap all day and I really just felt like sleeping. I didn't even have an appetite to eat, so I basically ate nothing all day except for some crackers -.- Well at least I kept my emotions to myself. Usually I tend to argue with people around me when I'm in a bad mood, but I am rarely in a bad mood! Well, todays post is based off of my bad day. Even though I look serious in these pictures, I posted some pictures I took with my phone just to clarify and prove that I am a very happy person and that I love to smile! Well, I start my internship tomorrow so I should go to sleep! Woohoo! I will be interning for a vintage thrift store that helps raise money for people with HIV, AIDS, etc. I cannot wait for that. I'm really excited because I love helping people and this makes me feel great about myself as a person :) I have a heart.

Kazdy ma te okropne dni. Dzisiaj byl ten dzien dla mnie. Wstalam po nie prawidlowej stronie lozka. Czuje sie okropnie dzisiaj i tak naprawde mialam ochote tylko spac. Nawet ledwie co jadlam. Chociaz staram sie trzymac emocje w sobie. Zawsze w takie dni sie kloce z ludzmi -.- Wiec dzisiejszy post jest zwiazany z mioim okropnym dniem. Chcialam wam jeszcze powiedziec ze w zdjeciach wygladam serio ale w realu jestem usmiechnata i wesola osoba. Nawet wam chcialam udowodnic, wiec postanowilam wlozyc zdjecia z telefonu z usmiechem! Powinnam isc teraz spac bo jutro zatrzynam praktyki! Bede pracowala w sklepie ktory pomaga ludzia ktorzy maja HIV, AIDS, itd. Nie doczekam sie! To jest dobra szansa aby sie nauczyc duzo a najwazniejsze to pomoge ludzia <3 Jestem dumna z siebie ze pomagam innym. Mam serce :)


P.S. I want a rabbit, but my mom won't let me buy one :(

Sweater- Club Monaco
Jeans- A&F
Necklace- Forever 21
Boots- Aldo
Belt- Zara

I also ordered this iPhone case for my iPhone <3 
I love penguins. 

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