Step into my life

Hey guys! It's been a while! I was really busy and I had a really crazy week. So remember how I told you guys I have a BCBG Maxazria internship for fashion week? Well, I went there friday! It was really crazy! Everyone was really busy preparing for the show! On Friday the interns there were running to Vogue to pick up outfits for the fashion show! I will tell you one thing... the clothing was beautiful! I also got a chance to see the clothes that BCBG Maxazria will be showing for their show and I have to tell you that they are AMAZINGLY BEAUTIFUL. Since my internship was on Friday, I want to take the time and share some photos I took at BCBG with you guys! I will also just add some pictures of myself! So check them out!

Czesc wam! Dawno nie pisalam do was na moim blogu! Mialam szalony tydzien. AH! Chcialam wam powiedziec ze pracowalam na ten pokaz mody w BCBG Maxazria w piatek. Kazdy byl zajety! Ten pokaz jest dla nas najwazniejszy! Byly tam dziewczyny ktore musialy isc do Vogue zeby odebrac ubrania na ten pokaz! Te ubrania byly przepiekne! Wogole wszystkie ubrania byly piekne! Aha i widzialam ubrania ktore na ich pokaz mody! Zdecydowalam porobic zdjecia i chcialam sie z nimi podzielic z wami! Jeszcze rzucilam tam jakies zdjecia moje! Pa!


This is Allure's dress!
To jest Allure's sukienka

Meow! This is my new cat sweater that I ordered online! It finally came in!
Meow! To jest moj nowy sweter ktory zamowilam przez internet! Wreszcie przyszedl!

Shirt- Zara
Jeans- Hollister
Shoes- Vans
Everyone gets those bad days! Well here's mine! I'm not perfect and I don't want to be perfect. This outfit is my bummy outfit!
Kazdy ma ten dzien gdzie sie czuje beznadziejnie. Tutaj jest moj beznadziejny dzien! Nie jestem perfekcyjna i nie chce byc!

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