
Hey everyone! How is everyone doing? Finally, I am having one of those weekends where I can just relax. College has been so stressful. I just had my midterms which I studied for a lot! Here's some advice for people who aren't in college yet, ENJOY IT WHILE YOU CAN. College should not be taken as a joke. It should be taken seriously because it affects your future. Well, enough of my lectures! Today I went to work and after that I met up with a good old friend Angelika! It was very relaxing. I haven't felt this relaxed since the spring semester started. I think that maybe it would be a great idea for me too sign up for yoga or maybe I should just meditate. Anyway enough of my personal life, its kind of boring. I need to change it. I put together a simple outfit. I wore a turquoise sweater with my favorite jeans and my new flats! Check out my look and some pictures below! Have a meowful night everyone!

Czesc wam! Jak sie macie? Wreszcie mialam relaksujacy weekend! Szkola jest bardzo stresujaca. Mialam egzaminy i sie uczylam na nie dlugo. Chcialam przekazac tym ludzia ktorzy nie studiuja zeby sie cieszyli ile moga z zyciem! Studia to nie zarty. Trzeba sie starac i brac je na serjo poniewaz wasza przyszlosc polega wlasnie od nich. Dobra, dosyc juz tego! Dzisiaj bylam w pracy i potem sie spotkalam z moja stara dobra kolezanka Angelika. Bylo to bardzo relaksujace! Dawno sie tak juz nie czulam... chyba od kad wiosenny semestr sie zaczal. Ja mysle ze chyba powinnam sie zapisac na yoge albo na cos co mnie uspokoi. Dobra, dosyc juz tam o moim zyciu bo jest troche nudny. Musze to zmienic. Dzisiaj zalozylam cos prostego. Ubralam moj ulubiony sweter z moimi ulubionymi dzinsami i z nowymi baletkami. Zdjecia sa pod tesktem! Mozecie sobie ogladnac! Dobranoc! Meow!


Sweater- Moda
Shoes- Vintage
Jeans- Urban Outfitters

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