F*** IT!

As a fashion student, I am aware that there has been a problem growing in the fashion industry. What I mean by problems is serious problems. "I'm too fat!" or "I'm too skinny!" is what I keep hearing from most girls. The point I wanted to raise from this today is that there is an issue with body images coming from the fashion industry. We all look up to the models walking on the runway and we look at them as if they were goddesses and perfectionists. Why? They are skinny, have flawless skin, and beautiful facial features. The message we receive from the models on the runway is that in order to be "beautiful" or "perfect", we must be skinny. The issue is that girls look up to these models and to the fashion industry as role models. They want to be just like them and look like them. Its crazy what girls can do to be just like them. Our society has raised really high expectations on beauty and perfection. We need to change this because more and more girls are turning anorexic, falling into depression, or even committing suicide due to the lack of self acceptance and self esteem issues. Girls, I just wanted to let you know you shouldn't care about what others think. Accept yourself just the way you are. No ones perfect. All these expectations and this whole message from the fashion industry is just plain stupid. We are all beautiful just the way you are. As long as you feel comfortable with yourself, then you are beautiful <3 

This is a really touching topic for me. I'm writing a paper for a scholarship on problems I see in the fashion industry. Body images are a major problem!

By the way here is a quick post of my outfit I wore today! 

Jako studentka w zawodzie modzie, zauwazylam ze jest duzo problemow w tym zawodzie. Jak mowie ze jest duzo problemow to to sa bardzo powazne problemy. "Jestem za gruba!" i "Jestem za chuda!", czesto to slysze. Chcialam dzisiaj wam powiedziec ze w tym zawodzie, wyglad jest najwiekszy problem. Kazdy patrzy na modelki na pokazach i patrzymy na nie jakby byly bogami i perfekcyjne. Czemu? Bo sa chuda, maja piekna skore i sa piekne. Z tego dziewczyny potem twierdza aby byc "piekna" i "perfekcyjna" dziewczyna to trzeba byc chuda. Ale tak naprawde co to wogole jest juz pieknosc? Problem wogole z tym jest ze dziewczyny patrza na modelki i chca byc tak jak one. To jest szalone co nie ktore dziewczyny by zrobily zeby wygladac tak jak one. Nasz swiat ma za wysokie wymagania na temat pieknosci i na perfekcje. Musimy to zmienc. Nie ktore dziewczyny walcza z aneroxia, z depresja, i nawet popelniaja samobojstwo przez to i jeszcze przez to ze nie umieja siebie z akceptowac i same siebie ocenaja. Dziewczyny, musicie siebie z akceptowac. Nie powinno was obchodzic co inni mysla o was. Nikt nie jest perfekcyjny. To co dziewczyny mysla ze aby byc piekna to trzeba byc chudym, jest glupie. Jestescie piekne w taki sposob jakie jestescie teraz. Najwazniejsze jest abyscie byly wygodne z soba to bedziecie piekne <3

Ten temat jest bardzo wazny dla mnie. Pisze dla szkoly wypracowanie na stypendium o problemach w modzie. To jest wlasnie z jednych najwiekszych problemow!

Aha! Jeszcze mozecie zobaczyc dzisiejsza moja stylizacje!


Sweater- Sheinside.com
Leggings- Urban Outfitters
Shoes- Kelsi Dagger
Watch- Michael Kors

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