Two Classic Looks

Hello everyone! In todays post, there are two outfits put together by Sammie and I. My outfit is very classy and casual. I'm a really big fan of button downs. I wore a button down shirt and to not make my outfit look too simple I added a little fur vest and a bow ring. Little accessories and vests make a plain outfit look a lot more cuter and they make an outfit stand out. This look would not look great with any wild shoes. The best shoes for this look were brown boots, but black wedges or boots could pull it off too. If you are planning on going to a job interview (in the fashion industry of course) this could be a great look to wear! Also I wanted to give a heads up that on Friday I will be writing an interesting post. Why? I will be a zombie for a commercial that will be aired during the 2014 Super Bowl in NYC! I will be shooting in New Jersey, but it will be an interesting post that you all should check out! Now lets move on to Sammies look! IT IS ATHLETIC TIME, PART 2. Sammie came up with another outfit for working out and exercising. Sammie claims that she has gained 5 pounds since her freshman year of college and she is trying to lose those pounds. In my opinion I think that it is great that she gained 5 pounds. She shouldn't try to lose that weight because in fact I am so skinny that I wish I could gain 5 pounds, but I have a problem with my weight and that is hard for me. Her look is cute for hitting the gym or going for a jog. When it comes to working out, people tend to sweat a lot. Sammie wore a top from Lulu Lemon that is made of a mesh material and the material allows sweat to dry quickly. The material of the shirt also makes sure that others cannot smell the sweat. She also wore sneakers that are perfect for working out. Her sneakers are very light. They only weigh 5 ounces and people could easily move around in them. Well that is it for todays post! We hope you like our looks! Take care!

Czesc wam! Dzisiaj ja i Sammie blogujemy! Moja stylizacja jest klassyczna. Ja uwielbiam koszule. Ubralam wlasnie dzisiaj koszule. Aby moja stylizacja nie wygladala za prosta, ubralam do niej futerko i pierscionek. Takie male rzeczy dodaja urody do kazdej stylizacji. Moja stylizacja najlepiej wygladala z brazowymi butami, ale tez mozna do niej ubrac czarne buty. Zadne szalone ani kolorowe buty nie pasuja do tej stylizacji. W mojej opini moja stylizacja jest idealna na rozomowe o prace (w modzie). Oprucz tego chcialam wam powiedziec ze w piatek bedzie bardzo ciekawy post! Bede zombie w reklamie ktory bedzie pokazany w 2014 Super Bowl w Nowym Jorku. Bedziemy filmowali w New Jersey. Juz sie doczekac nie moge! A teraz opowiem wam troche o stylizacji Sammie. Sammie twierdzi ze przybyla 5 funtow. Teraz ona proboje stracic te funty. W mojej opini ona nie potrzebuje tracic ta wage. Ja jakbym mogla to bym z mila checia chciala przytyc ale niestety mam troche problem z waga. Sammie wybrala taka stylizacje idealna i perfekcyjna na czwiczenia i na silownie. Jak sie czwiczy, to sie osoba najzwyczaj poci. Ona ubrala taka bluzke z Lulu Lemon ktora wlasnie jest zrobiona z takiego materialu ktora jest idealna na czwiczenia. Jak sie ktos z poci to ta bluzka wlasnie szybko sie sluszy. Jeszcze do tego, material tej bluzki robi tak aby nie bylo czuc tego zapachu. Do tego zalozyla jeszcze lekkie buty. Lekkie buty pozwalaja ludzia latwiej do wykonac rozne czwiczenia. One waza tylko 5 funtow. W mojej opini bardzo mi sie podoba jej stylizacja. A teraz koncze ten post i mam nadzieje ze tez nie doczekacie sie na piatkowy post! Dobranoc i trzymajcie sie wszyscy!


Leggings/Leggingsy- Century 21
Shirt/Bluzka- Liz Claiborne
Fur vest/Kamizelka- BCBG Maxazria
Shoes- Unknown
Bag/Torebka- Michael Kors

Top/Bluzka- Lululemon 
Bottoms/Spodnie- Lululemon
Sneakers/Adidasy- Saucony