Quick and slick

Hey guys! I haven't blogged in like two days I believe? For some reason it feels like its been a little bit longer, but anyways... here are some quick shots of todays outfit. I tried to base today's outfit off of neutral colors. Did it work? I don't know! It's up to you guys to answer the question. Also would you guys be interested in some contests in winning free items? Let me know in the comment box underneath this post!

Czesc wam! Dawno chyba nie blogowalam? Nie wiem, dwa dni temu moze? Myslalam ze dluzej. Dzisiaj zrobilam wam tylko takie szybkie zdjecia moich ubran. Mam nadzieje ze sie wam beda podobaly. Probowalam uzywac neutralne kolory. Nie wiem czy mi sie udalo, ale wy to mozecie ocenic. Jeszcze jedno pytanie. Chcielibyscie moze jakies konkursy zeby wygrac jakies fajne rzeczy zadarmo? Jak tak to dajcie znac w komentarzach jezeli sie wam ten pomysl podoba. Pa! Pa!

I also just wanted to say I usually spend more money on oxfords, but when I saw these I thought they were cute. They are inexpensive and really comfortable which I was really surprised by.

Chcialam bym tylko dodac ze te buty ktore kupilam to byly tanie, ale mi sie spodobaly. One byly tanie i  jestem zaskoczona ze sa wygodne. 
Shoes- ASOS
Jeans- Abercrombie and Fitch
Sweater- TSE
Watch- Michael Kors

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