The jacks are back.

Hey guys! I had a horrible day at work today. I fell at work while trying to get a customer a pair of shoes since no one was in the shoe lounge. It was horrible and I get yelled at for the sale section being a mess when honestly I wasn't there before. I was literally there only two minutes since I was working on the main floor with the denims. Anyway, we all like to go out right? Well, today I chose two of my favorite jackets and my favorite blazer. Don't mind the outfits because it's not the outfits I am trying to show you today, but the jackets and the blazer. I also wanted to share with you guys today my most favorite dress. I haven't worn it out yet, but I probably will soon! I really love the back of it.

(Polish) Czesc! Mialam dzisiaj okropny dzien w pracy! Przewrocilam sie bo nikt nie pracowal w sklepie z butami i jak zawsze ja musialam biegac po buty! Bylo okropnie bo pracowalam na chwile tam gdzie sa wysprzedaze i ubrania byly wszedzie na podlodze. Jeszcze managere sie na mnie wydarli i to nie byla moja wina bo ja pracowalam z dzinsami. Przejdziemy teraz na inny temat. Kazdy lubi wychodzic, co nie? Dzisiaj wybralam moje ulubione kurteczki, zeby wam pokazac i przepraszam za moje bledy, ale niestety nie urodzilam sie w Polsce i umiem tylko tak pisac. Przepraszam za taka stylizacje dzisiejsza ale nie chodzi mi o wyglad dzisiaj tylko zeby wam pokazac moje ulubione kurtki i moja ulubiona sukienke gdzie jeszcze nigdzie nie zalozylam.
For some reason I love this silver metallic jacket. It looks really great with black in my opinion. It's from TOPSHOP. My pencil skirt is from BCBG and my shoes are by Jessica Simpson.

(Polish) Nie wiem czemu ale ta kurtka jest z jednych moich ulubionych kurtek. Kupilam ja w Topshop i w mojej opini ona pasuje naj bardziej z kolorem czarnym. Moja spodnica jest z BCBG i buty z Jessica Simpson. 
Don't you love the back?

  This is my favorite leather jacket. It is from Hollister. I have only worn it about 3 times, but I love it. It's the type of jacket that looks great with anything really. My dress is from a thrift store. I bought it brand new and there were plenty of those dresses at the time. I really fell in love with the back. I don't know where my shoes are from, but I love them.

(Polish) To tez jest moja ulubiona kurtka. Ona jest z Hollister. Ona do wszystkiego pasuje. Moja sukienke kupilam w jakims sklepie i ma fajny tylek :D Zakochalam sie w niej i buty nie pamietam gdzie kupilam ale sa wygodne!

This is my favorite blazer. It is from Bebe. I really like stripes and out of all my blazers I would say this one looks the best on me. Ignore the jumpsuit and sneaker wedges. I'm going to wear this blazer on New Years Eve with a dress I still need to buy!

To tez mi sie podoba! Ona jest z Bebe. Ja uwielbiam ubrania z paskami! Ignorujcie moje ubranie! Kurde, jeszcze musze sukienke na nowy rok kupic :(

Well catch you later guys! These are just some of my favorite jackets that I wanted to share with you guys! Goodnight <3

(Polish) Dobra, lece bo jest pozno! Tu sa moje ulubione kurteczki ktore chcialam wam pokazac i moge isc juz spac. Dobranoc <3

P.S. Stay safe on New Years please<3 Badzcie bezpieczni na nowy rok!

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