That's all she wrote

Hey guys! Today was the day for me to relax and that is exactly what I did. I'm so stressed from work that I just had to. So I decided to use my time wisely and to write in the journal I received as a gift from my best friend for Christmas. It's one of the best gifts I received because it's very useful and I love writing. Today I started to write a short story about a girl that's locked in her own world. This story is very personal and I'll publish it as soon I am done! Well, below this are some pictures that my friend took of me. They do match my short story and my own personal experiences. Check them out.

(Polish) Czesc wam! Dzisiaj byl moj dzien zeby sie z relaksowac. Ja jestem za bardzo z stresowana i to jasne ze od swojej pracy. Dzisiaj zdecydowalam poswiecic swoj czas na pisanie krotka opowiesc w pamietniku swoim ktory dostalam od mojej najlepszej kolezanki na swieta. To jest moj ulubiony prezent poniewaz lubie pisac i ten pamietnik jest idealny. Zaczelam pisac opowiesc o dziewczynie ktora jest zamknieta w swoim swiecie. Czemu? Bo ta opowiesc jest bardzo podobna do moich wlasnych zyciowych wydarzen i losow. Jak skoncze ja pisac to ja tu upublikuje, a teraz ogladnijcie sobie zdjecia ktora mi kolezanka porobila. One troche pasuja do mojej opowiesci, ale to sami wnet zobaczycie jak dokoncze ja pisac. 

Dominika Markiewicz photography- Check it out! She loves photography and it's her talent:)

Fur jacket- Topshop
Leggings- Unknown
Ring- Forever 21
Shoes- Bucco
T-shirt- Urban Outfitters
Watch- Michael Kors
T-shirt- Urban Outfitters
Knee High socks- Urban Outfitters
Shorts- Zara
Shoes- Bucco

Sweater- Zara
Leggings- Unknown

P.S. My wall says "Live. Laugh. Love." and I have pictures of my boyfriend and me on it. You may ask why? Simply because I love him and he's the only boy in my life that has treated me right. I messed up big time through my stupidity, but guess what? He loves me and he forgave me for everything I have done that has hurt him in the past. I'm glad because I've changed as a person and I wouldn't picture myself with any other guy, but him. I don't need any other guys in my life besides him, my dad, and my brother. I love you.

(Polish) Moja sciana pisze Live. Laugh. Love. i mam tam przyklejone swoje zdjecia z chlopakiem. Czemu? Bo go kocham i on jest jedynym chlopakiem ktory mnie traktowal prawidlowo. Oczywiscie popelnilam kilka bledow przez swoje glupoty ale wiesz co? On mnie kocha i mi wybaczyl wszystko. Jestem zadowolona ze sie zmienilam i nigdy bym nie wyobrazila swoje zycie bez niego. Ja nie widze siebie z nikim oprucz z nim. Ja nie potrzebuje zadnego mezczyzny w swoim zyciue oprucz jego, taty i brata.


  1. lmfao at your polish <3

  2. Lmfao D: I know. Oh wells hahaa :D At least it puts people in a great mood!

  3. indeed! love you glad you like the journal <3
