Aritzia Haul

Hey everyone! Sammie made a youtube channel for our blog. You can subscribe to her channel by clicking this link: Sammie's Youtube Channel. Today you can also see a video she put together for everyone about what she bought from Aritzia! She also put together some cute outfits with her new items which you could see at the end of the video! So, check it out, and enjoy! :)

Czesc wam! Sammie zalozyla sobie konto na youtubie dla naszego bloga! Mozecie sie zapisac na jej kanal youtube tutaj: Sammie's Youtube Kanal. Dzisiaj dla was Sammie nagrala filmik o jej ostatnich zakupach w Artizia! W tym filmiku mozecie zobaczyc co kupila i jej stylizacje! Wiec, ENJOY! :)

Urszula and Sammie

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